Exam Prep 101
First year exams can be a source of anxiety and stress for new law students.  To help reduce the anxiety caused by, and improve students’ performance on first-year exams, we have created Exam Prep 101.  This interactive workshop series takes place during a student’s first or second semester of law school and is designed to: (1) teach students to how to create and synthesize substantive outlines; (2) identify and articulate the legal issues created by the question prompt; (3) apply legally relevant facts to applicable rules and principles of law to reach logical conclusions; (4) outline and write clear and concise essays; and (5) develop and maintain a growth mindset which is necessary to excel in law school. Students enrolled in this course will write three writing assessments and will receive constructive and personalized feedback to help them strengthen and perfect their analytical and writing skills.  Students also will receive one private tutoring session with their writing instructor and a review of the writing sample they intend to submit to prospective employers.

Law School Prep 101
Law school can be intimidating for first-year students, especially first generation law students.  To help these students excel during their first year of law school and compete in the legal job market, we have created Law School Prep 101.  This interactive workshop series takes place during a student’s first or second semester of law school and is designed to: (1) help students develop and maintain a growth mindset with respect to learning which is required to thrive in law school; (2) teach students how to learn and study effectively; (3) teach students how to create and synthesize substantive outlines; (4) provide learning strategies and techniques students can begin to apply while in law school to be successful; (5) teach students the time-management skills that are essential for success in law school such as organization, prioritization, goal setting, planning and stress management; and (6) help students create professional resumes and cover letters

Exam Writing Crash Course

This course is designed to help students develop and strengthen the analytical and writing skills necessary to succeed on law school exams, the bar exam and as attorneys. This course will equip students with the skills needed to outline and write clear, concise essays by teaching them how to (1) identify and articulate legal issues in dispute and (2) apply applicable facts to legally relevant rules of law and rule explanations to reach logical conclusions.  Students enrolled in this course will participate in a two-hour writing workshop (live or virtual depending on time of enrollment), write and receive constructive and personalized feedback on two essays, and attend two private tutoring sessions to help them improve their analytical and writing skills.



We offer individualized and small group tutoring for law school students. In our individualized and small group tutoring sessions, we teach students learning strategies, study skills and exam taking techniques to help them excel in law school.  We also help them identify deficiencies in their learning processes; fill voids and gaps in their substantive knowledge; and strengthen exam and legal writing skills. Students have the option of writing practice exams and receiving constructive and personalized feedback to help them strengthen and perfect their analytical and writing skills.  For small group sessions, the cost of the session is divided by the number of student participants.  Up to five students can participate in a small group session.

Starting at $250 per hour  
Writing Fundamentals

In this 60-minute power session, we equip students with the fundamental skills needed to write efficiently for law school exams, the bar exam and their future practices as Esquires. During this session students will learn to write clear and concise legal analyses in six (6) simple steps for:

  • Law School Exams
  • Florida Bar Exam Essays
  • Multistate Essays
  • Multistate Performance Tests
Writing Sample Consultations

In the legal profession, it is customary for employers to require their prospective employees and interns to submit a writing sample prior to or during an interview process.  Our Writing Sample Consultation is designed to help future attorneys confidently and competently demonstrate strong legal writing and researching skills on paper.  An assigned consultant will review, critique and provide written feedback for a single writing sample submitted by a client.  In addition, clients will receive a free one hour consultation with their assigned consultant to address any questions or concerns that may still be outstanding after thorough review of the feedback given.

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